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[Muhammad Salah Live in Kuala Lumpur 2023]: A Heart-Prep for Ramadan

Faith Events had the honour to host Dr Muhammad Salah earlier in March. Taking place a week before Ramadan, it was a spiritual warm up to renew our intention for the blessed month. The events were held on 17, 18 and 19 March at TM Convention Centre, Bangsar. The Gold sponsor for this event is Wardah Beauty, who provided goodies for our participants. Tertib Publishing, the book publisher and supporter of Faith Events was also present. 

The topic on the first night was about how the Prophet s.a.w. practised his Ramadan. Entitled The Light in the Luminous Month: Ramadan through the lens of the Prophet s.a.w., Dr. Muhammad Salah explained what Ramadan was like for our beloved Prophet s.a.w, his sunnah and how he filled his nights with ibadah in that month. It was a really motivating session, as we set our own Ramadan goals by following the path of the Prophet s.a.w. 

Surah Al-Kahf contains remarkable stories that we can all take lessons from. On the second day of the event, Dr. Salah explained the surah in depth and unfold the stories that we may have forgotten or might not even know about, through The Game of Life: Lessons from Surah Al-Kahf. The stories are inspirational and provide an example of what we should do as servants of Allah, through different trials in life; faith, knowledge, wealth and power. It was a really motivating session that gave a renewed spirit for us to be a righteous person.

The topic on the last day might be everyone’s favourite— it’s about love! In A Binding Knot: Guidelines for Marriage in Islam, Dr. Muhammad Salah explained about the topic through an Islamic perspective. In today’s society, we may have drifted far away from the teachings of Islam in building a marriage. Hence, Dr. Muhammad Salah shared in details about marriage as prescribed by the religion; tips for looking for a spouse, the dos and don’ts in marriage and the responsibilities of the husband and wife to build a marriage of sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah. It was an insightful session that many appreciate learning about.

A book was released during the event, which was extracted from Dr. Muhammad Salah’s lecture, entitled Mothers: A Role Model for Peace. Also the first book by Dr. Muhammad Salah to be published with Tertib Publishing, it was exclusively available during the events and those at the venue were among the first to get their hands on it. There was also a book signing session at the end of the event on all three days which many were excited about!

It was our first time hosting Dr. Muhammad Salah, but definitely not the last. The speaker has a soft approach in delivering his message, making the session calm and soothing. It was a much needed preparation for Ramadan and through it, our spirits were lifted, allowing us to refresh ourselves before committing to increasing our ibadah in the upcoming month.

Some feedback from the participants about the event:

  • “I like how clear he is about the points that he makes”
  • “The event is really needed by the community”
  • “The speaker gave us a lot of insight about how we can approach Ramadan”

Overall, the event was a success and many were looking forward to similar events in the future. Information on upcoming events will be posted on Faith Events’ social media platforms, so make sure to check them out!

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You can find the highlights of Muhammad Salah Live in Kuala Lumpur 2023 on Faith Events’ Youtube account:

Muhammad Salah Live in Kuala Lumpur 2023.



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