Did you know? Islam would not prosper if it had not been for the continuous effort of our Prophet (s.a.w.).

In his lifetime, he sacrificed all his personal comforts and material possessions for the sake of Islam. In fact, our luxury of being a Muslim and practising this religion today is all due to his efforts.

He was the bridge connecting us to the Almighty, the one who was at the frontlines in defending the purity of this divine religion.

Hence, we must wear this as a badge of honour and be reminded that there are some sacrifices that we must make in the name of Allah (s.w.t).

Rasulullah (s.a.w.) reminded us that,

“Verily, you will never leave anything for the sake of Allah Almighty but that Allah will replace it with something better for you.”
[Musnad Ahmad]

Thus, what are the sacrifices that we can make as a Muslim?

Find out more in Noble Sacrifice: Drawing Wisdom from the Struggles of Our Prophet (s.a.w.) by Dr Yasir Qadhi, as we reflect on the struggles of Rasulullah (s.a.w.) and take away its lessons to implement it in our daily lives.


29 June 2024

9:30 AM Registration*
11:00 AM Welcoming remarks
Quran recitation
Session 1
1:00 PM Zuhr & lunch break
2:30 PM Session 2
3:30 PM Q&A session
4:00 PM Dismis
Book signing*

* For onsite mode only


Early Bird

RM100/basic ticket

Until 28 June 2024


RM150/basic ticket

29 June 2024

Get10% offwith group discount

when you purchase a minimum of 10 tickets of the same event and mode (e.g.: Noble Sacrifice onsite tickets)

Get10% off
with group discount

when you purchase a minimum of 10 tickets of the same event and mode (e.g.: Noble Sacrifice onsite tickets)

Important Notes

  • All purchases are final and not refundable.Please ensure that you have selected the correct options before purchasing. Should you encounter any technical issues after making your payment, please contact our support team before making another payment.
  • Tickets are not exchangeable from one event to another.
  • Mode conversion from onsite to online and vice versa is only available to premium ticket holders. The conversion is limited to one time only, and a request must be submitted via the Mode Conversion request form at least 48 hours prior to the start of Yasir Qadhi Live in Malaysia. Any request made elsewhere or after the deadline will not be entertained. Approval is subject to seat availability, and the Organiser reserves the right to decline the request if deemed necessary.
  • If you are unable to make it to the event, you can personally give your ticket to another person to attend on your behalf, and you will still be able to access the recording. A full ticket transfer (change of participant’s details and recording access) is only available to premium ticket holders. The transfer is limited to one time only, and a request must be submitted via the Ticket Transfer request form at least 48 hours prior to the start of Yasir Qadhi Live in Malaysia. Any request made elsewhere or after the deadline will not be entertained.
  • Only participants with valid tickets (minimum age of 6 and above) are allowed inside the hall.
  • Children below the age of 6 are strictly not allowed to be inside the hall. Mothers’ room or childminding service will not be available at the event.

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