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17 March 2023

Are you perhaps looking for a change this Ramadan?

The holy month is approaching.

The month when the gates of heaven open and the gates of hell close. The month in which the Qur’an was first revealed. The month where, in one of its last ten days, there is Laylatul Qadr—the Night of Decree—a night better than a thousand months.

While all believers race to increase their worship of Allah and sow the seeds of rewards, one was exemplary.

And that person was none other than our Prophet (s.a.w.).

Allah (s.w.t.) mentions in the Qur’an,

Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah often.
(Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:21)
Ever wonder what a day in the life of the Messenger of Allah was like during Ramadan?

Join Dr Muhammad Salah in his upcoming seminar

Join Dr Muhammad Salah in his upcoming seminar, The Light in the Luminous Month: Ramadan Through the Lens of the Prophet (s.a.w.), as we make our preparation and learn the Sunnah of the blessed month, and excel Ramadan, the Prophet’s way.


1970/01/01 00:00:00


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vitae ultrices enim. Curabitur ante lectus, feugiat ac pretium eu, suscipit vitae leo. Quisque sed accumsan nisi. Donec malesuada velit libero, ac venenatis enim viverra vel. Praesent eu molestie lorem, non mollis mauris. Sed condimentum ex id vehicula laoreet. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas et enim vitae lacus porttitor elementum. Nam fringilla, felis in finibus ornare, enim urna vehicula eros, nec scelerisque velit lectus a nunc.

Important Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ac ullamcorper sem. Aenean molestie, quam eget tempus sollicitudin, eros leo auctor lectus, non tempor mauris urna et diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin fringilla odio sapien, at convallis elit maximus non. Fusce faucibus, magna aliquam porttitor cursus, elit dolor sollicitudin lacus, vel varius ante lectus at tortor. Mauris vel vulputate ligula. Pellentesque tempus, dui sed commodo aliquam, urna mi cursus libero, vel vulputate quam justo at lorem. Quisque varius lobortis sapien quis facilisis.
  • Duis facilisis dolor ac ipsum vestibulum, eget consectetur augue fringilla. Nam at orci condimentum, luctus justo id, consequat nunc. Sed egestas metus eget ligula suscipit, et faucibus elit aliquet. Curabitur tortor quam, pretium in lacus at, convallis malesuada ligula. Fusce imperdiet euismod ex sed pharetra. Morbi nec lacus diam. Suspendisse tristique, lorem et posuere mollis, arcu lorem fringilla purus, sed dignissim ex nisl volutpat ligula.
  • Nullam tempus gravida vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur urna metus, eleifend non quam eu, venenatis ultricies quam. Phasellus facilisis viverra nibh at mollis. Aliquam nec arcu id dolor elementum pellentesque. Nulla ut elit ipsum. Cras sit amet elit eu mi accumsan porta. Suspendisse libero tortor, viverra sit amet fermentum et, vestibulum quis ante.

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Kristal Hall, Menara TM


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